The air defence identification zone China has established in the East China Sea is unjustly violating the freedom of aviation over the high seas, which is a general rule in international law, Mr Abe told a press conference on Saturday. 中国在东中国海划设的防空识别区,不公正地侵犯了公海飞行自由这条国际法一般规则,安倍在上周六的一个新闻会上表示。
The witness of criminal case comes to give evidence on the court is a general criterion of the international criminal judicature, and is one of the system of criminal procedural law of China. 刑事案件证人出庭作证,是国际刑事司法准则的要求,也是我国刑事诉讼法规定的制度。
The Court is requested to decide the Case on the basis of the rules and principles of general international law, as well as any applicable treaties. 请求法院根据基础国际法律的规定和原理,并同一系列可行的条例处理该案件。
As to the general principles of law being the source of International Law, there are some different opinions about their concrete meanings and the application. 一般法律原则作为国际法的渊源,在具体内容和适用上颇有异议,但在最新的国际立法和司法实践中其内涵已经逐渐明确。
Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the fiscal privileges of diplomatic or consular officers under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements. 本协定应不影响按国际法一般规则或特别协定规定的外交或领事官员的税收特权。
The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition on declarations of independence. 法院认为,国际法律未包含禁止宣布独立的条款。
General Principles of International Environmental Law 国际环境法一般原则
AFFIRMING that matters not regulated by this Protocol continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law. 确认本议定书未规定的事项仍应按照一般国际法的规则和原则处理。
The standard is the general character of the law on whether international law has the nature of the law. 判断国际法是否具有法律性,标准应该是法的一般特征。
The main standards of constructing the general principle system of private international law are: content standard 、 value standard and logical standard. 国际私法总则体系的构建标准主要有:内容标准、价值标准、逻辑标准。
The online e-commerce trade of the copyright is more general. Therefore it has caused the different views to international network copyright trade jurisdiction of the private international law. 版权的网上电子商务交易更加普遍,由此引起了国际私法领域对于国际网络版权贸易管辖权的不同主张。
They are only mentioned in the part of "the Introduction of the Association for the International United Private Law", the book" The international Commercial Affairs Contract General Rules of the International United Private Law Association ". 只有在《国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则》一书中关于国际统一私法协会简介中部分提到。
The Rule for Discerning the General Permanent Establishment Under International Tax Law 国际税法中一般类型常设机构的确定规则
Diplomatic protection involves the claiming right of one country to another while the national's rights were infringed upon by another for violating international law in accordance with general international law, the implementation of which shall meet certain conditions and take some appropriate measures. 外交保护是指允许一国按照一般国际法对另一国违反国际法使其国民遭受损害的行为要求赔偿的权利。外交保护的行使应符合一定的条件并采取适当的方式。
On the Principles of Legal Application for Foreign Tort& Comment on Some Stipulations of Chinese General Rules of Civil Law and Model Law of Private International Law 论涉外侵权行为的法律适用原则&兼评我国民法通则及国际私法示范法的有关规定
It is the basic judgement criterion of general principles of international economic law that involving in all the regulations of international economic relationships and embodying the nature and values of international economic law. 贯穿于调整国际经济关系的法律规范始终,体现着国际经济法的基本精神和价值取向是国际经济法基本原则的基本判断标准。
It is a special international organization law and different both from the general educational law of a country and a common international law in such aspects as the nature, origin, content, procedure of law. 它是一部特殊的国际组织法,在法律性质、法律渊源、法律内容、法律程序等方面既有别于一般国家的教育法,也不同于一般的国际法。
The fair principle is the general principle of the international law, while the equidistant medium line principle is the special case of the fair principle. 公平原则是国际法的一般原则,等距离中间线原则是公平原则的一种特例。
The duty on market access is created by international agreement, not by general international law. 市场准入是通过条约所协商产生的义务,而不是依据一般国际法所产生的义务。
Principle of economic sovereignty and principle of abiding by agreements are general principles of international economic law. Nevertheless, principle of mutual benefit and principle of global collaboration are principles of specific fields in international economic law. 经济主权原则和有约必守原则是国际经济法的基本原则,公平互利原则和全球合作原则只是具体原则。
Objective to explain not only in the general practice of international law has an important role in solving the dispute, is also very important. 目的解释不仅在一般的国际法实践中有重要作用,在解决世贸争端中也是十分重要的。
At present, in the possibility of achieving international rule of law, there exits a general controversy. In practice, although the international rule of law has initially developed, there are still many problems and constraints. 当前,在实现国际法治的可能性问题上,仍然存在着广泛的理论争议;在实践中,虽然国际法治已经有了初步的发展,但仍然存在着许多问题和制约因素。
According to analyzing the cases of the SPS Agreement in the WTO panel and the appeal body, you can see the the importance and possibility of being a general or customary principles of international law. 根据WTO专家小组及上述机构有关SPS协定的案例进行分析,可以看到预防原则在SPS协定中的重要性和发展成为国际习惯法的可能。
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea as the Rotterdam Rules was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 11 December 2008. It is the new milestone in the field of international law of carriage of goods by see. 《联合国全部或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》即《鹿特丹规则》已于2008年12月11日在联合国大会通过,她是国际海上货物运输法领域新的里程碑。
The Principle of Good Faith is a general principle of law and that of international law. It regulates the WTO agreements and other related agreements. 善意原则既是法律的一般原则也是国际法的一般原则,规范着WTO协议及其他相关协议。
In general international criminal law is presented in international treaties in the form of dispersive and isolated substantive rules governing a single issue. 从国际刑法的总体状况来看,都是以分散的、孤立的和以单一内容的实体规范通过国际条约表现出来的。
As the contract of international multimodal transport of goods itself is more complex compared with the general contract, as well as the non-uniformity in the international area and the imperfections of domestic legislation, the law application in this aspect becomes a major difficulty. 由于国际货物多式联运合同本身所具有不同一般合同的复杂性,加之国际立法领域的不统一性、国际私法理论的复杂性以及我国国内立法的不完善,因此其法律适用问题成为一大难点。
The main body is Chapter Two to Six. At first, in Chapter Two, the author expounds the concept of cross-border insolvency and the general theory, states that the new pragmatism should be the right direction for future development and leads to international private law perspective. 第二章至第六章为正文,首先在第二章中论述了跨国破产的概念及基本理论,指出新实用主义应是未来发展的正确方向,并引出国际私法的视角。
In 1948, after the Second World War, the international community began to build the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade ( GATT) to specify the international behaviour, the multilateral trading system first admitted the status of anti-dumping law. 1948年二战后国际社会开始构建关税与贸易总协定,多边体系第一次承认各国反倾销立法的存在地位。